Wednesday, 3 April 2019
compliment would been reason enough
The majority of clearcutting is done for the purpose of animal agriculture. It primarily soy crop, of which livestock animals are fed 80% of the world supply. Humans eat about 6% of all grown soy crop. My aunt is post menopause so she doesn't have a period, but likely she grew up in a culture/environment/suscribes to beliefs that say that 'GOD' wuldn't let you touch or pray to him while you are on your period. I remember questioning this as a child, but never getting an answer. It is not meant to and cannot substitute for advice or care provided by an in person medical professional.
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Three months worth of my supply!If you get the damn thing to stick (my skin quite obviously didn't want any patches), the most difficult bit about all this is apparently finding a place on your bod where the patch isn't subjected to movement or rubbing of underwear at all times and that is rather shockingly difficult. You can put it anywhere but your breasts and I tell ya, I tried all areas the makers of the patch suggested mainly various locations on the fleshy part of my lower back (above the bum), and hell, either my pants, or my undies put pressure on the patch. In any way, I am fed up with patches, compeltely.
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